Ignoring money makes things worse, but 3 steps help regain control.

January 17, 2024
1 min read


A financial behavior expert, Stacey Tisdale, explains that ignoring your finances only makes things worse in the long run. Tisdale suggests three steps to regain control of your money:

  • Use a budgeting app to track your spending and get a handle on your finances.
  • Seek professional help from a financial advisor if you’re unsure where to start.
  • Understand that money is just a tool, and mistakes can be overcome by building financial competence over time.

Tisdale emphasizes that facing your financial situation head-on is the first step towards achieving your financial goals. By taking control of your finances and making small changes, you can start to save and pay off debt gradually. Money management can be stressful, but ignoring your finances will only make the situation worse.

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