Bank of America, stop funding Arctic Refuge drilling now.

February 21, 2024
1 min read


  • Bank of America has reversed its policy on financing oil and gas exploration and drilling in the Arctic Refuge.
  • This decision puts wildlife such as polar bears, golden eagles, and caribou at risk and threatens the fragile ecosystem of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Environment North Carolina and other groups are urging Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan to keep the company’s promise and not finance drilling in the Arctic Refuge. The decision to finance drilling in the Arctic is seen as a bad investment with long-term environmental consequences.

Bank of America had previously made a commitment not to finance oil and gas exploration and drilling in the Arctic Refuge due to its status as a fragile ecosystem. However, the recent decision to reverse this policy has sparked concerns among environmental advocates.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including polar bears, golden eagles, and caribou. Oil and gas drilling in this area would not only disrupt their habitats but also pose significant risks to the ecosystem as a whole.

Environment North Carolina and other groups are calling on Bank of America to prioritize the protection of wildlife and the environment by maintaining its commitment to not finance drilling in the Arctic Refuge. By doing so, the company can demonstrate its dedication to sustainability and responsible investment practices.

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