EU Consumers Rely on Card Networks for Everyday App Trust.

January 15, 2024
1 min read

TLDR: EU consumers in Europe trust card networks, like PayPal, more than banks or FinTechs to provide an everyday app that integrates banking, shopping, and personal activities, according to a report by PYMNTS Intelligence. The report found that nearly 38% of European consumers express a strong interest in embracing integrated digital solutions. Data security is a top concern for these consumers, with features such as two-factor authentication and data encryption being prioritized. The study also revealed regional differences in security preferences, highlighting the need for customized security features. In terms of trust, PayPal and card networks emerged as top choices, with 36% and 29% of consumers trusting them, respectively. Banks and FinTechs ranked lower in consumer trust. The demand for everyday apps is rapidly growing in Europe, and providers must prioritize data security features and build a strong reputation for fraud protection to gain consumer trust.

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