Eventus redefines trade surveillance, setting new standards in industry excellence.

January 31, 2024
1 min read

This article discusses Eventus, a leading trade surveillance software company, and its plans to redefine trade surveillance in 2023 and 2024. Eventus CEO Travis Schwab emphasizes the importance of flexibility, automation, and proficiency in meeting client expectations, stating that Eventus consistently outperforms traditional providers. In 2023, Eventus secured agreements with three tier-1 global banks, highlighting the firm’s dominance in the futures markets and its prowess in diversification. Almost half of the firm’s revenue came from the Asia-Pacific and Europe, the Middle East, and Africa regions. The success in the international market is attributed to strategic expansions and major client acquisitions in Japan and Australia. Despite challenges in the digital assets sector, Eventus maintained strong demand for its Validus platform. The company prides itself on its founding principle of offering adaptable and user-centric compliance software. In 2023, Eventus made significant strides in ensuring that Validus provides the necessary flexibility and scalability for evolving client needs. The company unveiled a new user interface and developed a state-of-the-art streaming platform for high-throughput data streams. Eventus is dedicated to continuing development efforts and fostering strategic partnerships, with a focus on trade surveillance and algo monitoring offerings. It also plans to explore growth avenues in transaction monitoring, additional fixed income coverage, and the expanded use of AI technologies.

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