Experts argue that a high school financial literacy requirement is long overdue, as many young adults lack knowledge of how to handle their finances, which can have negative effects on their personal lives and society as a whole. Studies have shown that there is a correlation between debt and juvenile crime rates, with serious and habitual juvenile offenders being more likely to report money problems. Additionally, a Forbes Advisors survey found links between debt and mental health issues, such as stress, bankruptcy considerations, sleep problems, and depression. Currently, Pennsylvania does not have any personal finance course or standards requirements for high school graduation, but legislation has recently been passed to make it mandatory for high school students to complete a semester-long course in financial literacy starting in the 2026-2027 school year. Many high schools in the region have already begun offering personal finance courses, with some making it a graduation requirement. The topics covered in these courses include budgeting, debt management, investing, and various financial decisions that individuals will face in adulthood. The newly passed legislation in Pennsylvania has been praised as a step in the right direction to help young people understand the importance of their financial choices and develop lifelong financial skills.

Experts declare high school financial literacy mandate urgently overdue.
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