House committee tackles tenant organizing bill

February 23, 2024
1 min read

House Committee Takes Crack at Tenant Organizing Bill


  • House committee hearings on a bill granting tenant organizing rights.
  • Bill passed committee along party lines, moving to the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee.

A bill proposing a tenant’s right to organize in Minnesota was discussed and ultimately voted out of the House of Representative’s Housing Finance and Policy Committee. House File 2704, authored by Rep. María Isa Pérez-Vega, aims to give tenants the ability to organize without retaliation from landlords.

During the committee hearing, tenants and tenant organizers shared stories of retaliation from landlords for attempting to organize. One tenant was fined for unsanitary living conditions after trying to organize with other tenants. However, concerns were raised by representatives from the Minnesota Multi Housing Association about the bill’s provisions, including restrictions on landlords locking gathering spaces.

Housing Justice Center President Margaret Kaplan expressed concerns that landlords are not required to provide tenant information, yet tenants are responsible for any actions taken by outside organizers on the property. The bill was advanced along party lines to the House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee for further review.

In conclusion, the bill aims to empower tenants to organize without fear of retaliation, while also highlighting the need for landlords and tenant advocates to work collaboratively to address concerns and find common ground on tenant organizing rights.

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