Invest in Ukrainian FinTech: The perfect time for winning strategy.

February 6, 2024
1 min read

Key Points:

  • Ukraine’s IT and fintech sectors are expected to play a crucial role in the country’s reconstruction and economic recovery process after the war with Russia.
  • The IT sector in Ukraine has shown steady growth, with exports of IT services increasing by 5.4% in 2022 and the number of IT specialists growing by 8% in 2023.
  • The fintech market is one of the most promising areas for investment globally, with the market capitalization of global public-only fintech reaching $550 billion in 2023.
  • WealthTech, or wealth management, is a growing trend in the fintech sector, with the global WealthTech market expected to reach $37.7 billion by 2028.
  • Ukraine has the potential to become an effective platform for innovation, fintech, and entrepreneurship, with its strong human capital, technological culture, and well-established technical infrastructure.

Fintech and IT sectors are expected to be an important part of Ukraine’s reconstruction and economic recovery process following the war with Russia. The IT sector in Ukraine has shown steady growth, with exports of IT services increasing by 5.4% in 2022. The number of IT specialists in Ukraine has also grown by 8% in 2023. The fintech market is considered one of the most promising areas for investment globally, with the market capitalization of global public-only fintech reaching $550 billion in 2023. WealthTech, or wealth management, is a growing trend in the fintech sector, with the global market expected to reach $37.7 billion by 2028. Ukraine has the potential to become an effective platform for innovation, fintech, and entrepreneurship due to its strong human capital, technological culture, and well-established technical infrastructure. By investing in fintech and WealthTech projects in Ukraine early on, foreign investors can take advantage of the country’s potential for growth and development while contributing to its reconstruction efforts.

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