Israeli finance minister’s bold call: rebuild Israeli settlements in Gaza

January 8, 2024
1 min read


  • Israeli ultranationalist finance minister Bezalel Smotrich has called for the reestablishment of Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip, claiming that without a Jewish presence, Israel will face attacks from Palestinians who want to annihilate them.
  • Smotrich has been a vocal proponent of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and has previously made inflammatory remarks about Gaza.
  • His comments have sparked international outcry, as resettling Gaza would violate international law and would likely provoke further conflict with Palestinians.

The ultranationalist finance minister of Israel, Bezalel Smotrich, has called for the reestablishment of Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip, claiming that without a Jewish presence, the country will be at risk from Palestinians who want to annihilate them. Smotrich, who is known for his support of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, has made controversial remarks about Gaza in the past.

Smotrich’s recent comments have prompted international outrage, as resettling Gaza would be a violation of international law and would likely lead to further conflict with Palestinians. Israel withdrew troops and thousands of civilians from Gaza in 2005, but Smotrich and other far-right Cabinet ministers in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government have used the war against Hamas to promote their view that Israel should resettle the area.

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