NAACP leader guilty of breaking campaign finance laws.

February 29, 2024
1 min read

Article Summary


Providence NAACP president, Gerard Catala, was convicted of two counts of failing to file campaign finance reports as required by state law in 2022. Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Neronha stated that Catala repeatedly ignored directives from the Board of Elections, leading to criminal prosecution. Catala was ordered to perform 20 hours of public service and has appealed the judge’s decision.

Full Article:

The president of the Providence NAACP, Gerard Catala, was convicted of campaign finance violations for failing to file required reports during his 2022 City Council campaign. Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Neronha emphasized that Catala repeatedly ignored directives from the Board of Elections, resulting in criminal prosecution. Catala was sentenced to perform 20 hours of public service and has appealed the judge’s decision.

Neronha stated that the case was subject to a one-year filing, meaning it could be expunged if Catala stays out of trouble for a year. Both Catala and his attorney have not commented on the situation.

The Board of Elections alerted Neronha’s office to prosecute Catala, highlighting the importance of abiding by campaign finance laws. Failure to file such reports, despite multiple reminders, ultimately led to Catala’s conviction.

It is crucial for candidates to adhere to campaign finance laws to ensure transparency and accountability in the electoral process. Catala’s case serves as a reminder of the consequences of neglecting these regulations.

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