Single black moms seek stability in financial battles.

February 19, 2024
1 min read


  • New data shows that Black single mothers, often referred to as “Middler Moms,” are struggling financially, unable to qualify for public assistance but also unable to cover basic expenses.
  • The Current Project, a non-profit organization, aims to help bridge the economic gap for these moms through support, training, advocacy, and community building.

New research has revealed that Black single mothers in the United States are facing significant economic challenges, with the majority reporting that they are unable to cover basic expenses. A survey conducted by The Current Project found that 66% of Black single moms struggle to meet their financial needs, with 77% identifying themselves as “Middler Moms.” These moms earn too much to qualify for public assistance but still struggle to make ends meet.

Alisha Gordon, the founder and Executive Director of The Current Project, is dedicated to helping these “Middler Moms” achieve financial stability. Her organization provides support, training, resources, and a sense of community to empower these mothers. Gordon also advocates for issues that directly impact Black single mothers, such as school choice, which she believes can offer a pathway to a brighter future for their children.

The Current Project’s work highlights the systemic economic challenges faced by Black single mothers in the U.S. and aims to be an interrupter in the cycle of financial instability. By addressing the unique needs of these moms and advocating for policy changes, Gordon and her team are working towards creating a more equitable future for Black single mothers and their families.

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