Top 2024 banks for small businesses

January 24, 2024
1 min read


AOL, as part of the Yahoo family of brands, uses cookies to provide services, authenticate users, and measure usage. By accepting all cookies, personalized ads and content based on interest profiles are displayed, and cookies and personal data are used for ad effectiveness and product improvement. Users can reject cookies and manage privacy settings at any time.

When using AOL’s sites and apps, which includes Yahoo and AOL, cookies are used to store and read information from the user’s device. These cookies allow AOL to provide services, authenticate users, apply security measures, prevent spam and abuse, and measure the user’s usage of their sites and apps.

By clicking ‘Accept all’ on the cookie consent prompt, both AOL and their partners (including 244 partners who are part of the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework) will use cookies and personal data for various purposes. This includes displaying personalized ads and content based on user interest profiles, measuring the effectiveness of personalized ads and content, and developing and improving AOL’s products and services.

However, users have the option to reject all cookies and opt-out of these additional purposes. By clicking ‘Reject all’, AOL and their partners will not use cookies and personal data for personalized ads, ad effectiveness measurement, and product improvement. Users also have the option to customize their choices by clicking ‘Manage privacy settings’ and can change their choices at any time by accessing the ‘Privacy & cookie settings’ or ‘Privacy dashboard’ links provided by AOL.

For more information on how AOL uses personal data, users can refer to their privacy policy and cookie policy.

Key elements:

  • AOL, as part of the Yahoo family of brands, uses cookies to provide services, authenticate users, and measure usage.
  • By accepting all cookies, personalized ads and content based on interest profiles are displayed, and cookies and personal data are used for ad effectiveness and product improvement.
  • Users can reject cookies and opt-out of personalized ads and content, ad effectiveness measurement, and product improvement.
  • Users can customize their privacy settings and change their choices at any time.
  • For more information, users can refer to AOL’s privacy policy and cookie policy.

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