EnBW sets sights on full green finance, keeps hybrid layer.

January 22, 2024
1 min read

TLDR: German energy company EnBW is aiming to achieve 100% green financing by 2025. The company plans to issue green bonds and green loans to fund its renewable energy projects. At the same time, EnBW intends to maintain its hybrid layer, as the finance director believes that hybrid bonds still provide a pricing advantage due to their green nature.

EnBW, one of Germany’s largest energy companies, has announced its goal to achieve 100% green financing by 2025. The company plans to fund its renewable energy projects through the issuance of green bonds and green loans. This move towards green finance aligns with EnBW’s commitment to sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint.

EnBW’s finance director is “convinced” that hybrid bonds still provide a pricing advantage due to their green nature. Hybrid bonds are a combination of debt and equity, and they have become increasingly popular in the green finance market. By maintaining its hybrid layer, EnBW can continue to tap into the greeniums associated with hybrid bonds.

The transition to 100% green financing will require careful planning and strategy. EnBW will need to ensure that its renewable energy projects are economically viable and aligned with its sustainability goals. The company will also have to navigate the green finance market and meet the expectations of investors who are increasingly focused on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors.

EnBW’s commitment to green finance is part of a larger trend in the energy industry. Many companies are recognizing the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources and reducing their reliance on fossil fuels. Green financing allows companies to raise capital specifically for their sustainable projects, and it also demonstrates their commitment to ESG principles.

In addition to aiming for 100% green financing, EnBW plans to maintain its hybrid layer. This decision reflects the finance director’s belief that hybrid bonds still provide a pricing advantage. By combining debt and equity, hybrid bonds offer investors an attractive risk-return profile and the opportunity to support environmentally friendly projects.

Overall, EnBW’s transition to 100% green financing is a significant step towards achieving its sustainability goals. By funding its renewable energy projects through green bonds and green loans, the company can secure capital specifically for its environmentally friendly initiatives. At the same time, maintaining its hybrid layer allows EnBW to take advantage of the pricing advantages associated with hybrid bonds. This dual approach demonstrates EnBW’s commitment to both sustainability and financial innovation.

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