House leaders scramble to push through campaign finance reform bill.

March 4, 2024
1 min read

TLDR: House leaders make last-ditch effort on campaign finance reform

Legislative leaders in the Oregon House are pushing a campaign finance proposal as a last-minute effort to address concerns about big donors. House Majority Leader Julie Fahey and Minority Leader Jeff Helfrich introduced a 48-page amendment to House Bill 4024, which includes new contribution limits and restrictions. However, critics argue that the proposal still has too many carveouts for major donors. The legislative proposal is in response to two competing ballot measures, one led by good government groups and the other by labor unions and progressive organizations. Public feedback on the proposal has been largely negative, with many urging for stricter measures to limit the influence of money in politics.

Key points from the article include:

  • House leaders are rushing to pass a campaign finance reform proposal before the Legislature adjourns for the year
  • The proposal includes new contribution limits for candidates, but critics argue that it still favors big donors
  • This legislative effort comes in response to two competing ballot measures, one backed by good government groups and the other by labor unions and progressive organizations

Overall, the article highlights the ongoing debate over campaign finance reform in Oregon, with lawmakers facing pressure to address concerns about the influence of money in politics.

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